
Made my own tattoo design. I always create my tattoo designs by myself. This one is located on my left arm under my elbow.
My favorite animal is the tiger. The tiger is capable of fighting, of discipline and hard work when it feels like it. When it doesn’t, it rests and sleeps and eats. Just like me.
I always wanted a tigertattoo, and this one is a bit special. It represents the combination of me (the tiger) with Kundalini (snake) and the seven eyes of spirituality. #7 stands for spiritual development and the eye/spiral is the infinite development and life circle of the universe. The eyes are staring at each other and no one, they represent characteristics and lack of focus, but also very good focus.
Also, the pointy hairs on the right side is RATTA. I made RATTA. It is my style. 

End of 2022 I injured my knee. These weeks have been though as I had to stay seated on my parents couch for some weeks, until I could walk again. I am a (physical) sports fan so I could not handle my energy levels. So I put all my energy into creating :). These are some sketches from Illustrator of a mirrored woman looking sideways.